Friday, 29 April 2011

tutorial two

Ethical Issues
Ethical issues of breach of consent is probably one of the most serious ones. The photos that are circulated around the net can be misused causing much mental stress and harm to someone.
It is often an argumented and a debateable topic as to who actually is the creator and owner of the picture.......!!!
The other topic would be what sort of material is advisable to be circulated in the net. Some are quite culturally, religiously and ethnically sensitive and create a major upheaveal in society.INTERNET SAFETY POLICY 

Digital Images used in OT
OT's are using Digital Images to provide a better service and  life skills to their clients.
It enhances their practice. With the consent of the client, they can record their sessions and monitor their progress.
Many images are displayed and advertised in the net for the OT to choose from to bring to the client to make their life easier and safer and prolong their life with a better quality of equipment.

tutorial two

Digital Cameras versus Films - The Old world photos versus The New World photos.

The old world charm of film camera is out dated now.
  • Pluses for Film
  1. Far more socially interractive involving the community and business to buy the film and print them.
  2. The pleasure of tactile photos and enjoying them in your photo album  .
  3. Pouring over old faded photos and bringing nostaligc memories....."photographs and memories" as in the famous song the lyrics cannot replace that.
  4. Being an expensive affair to take photos and print them, one treasured them far more and held them as prized heirlooms in families.
  5. There was a sense of anticipation and excitment waiting to develop films, never knowing how it would turn out.
  6. Being able to develop a relationship with the printing shop and the whole social interraction was accepted in the society.
The Minus points of Films
  1. It is restrictive in taking photos and cannot adjust the light and distances or zoom in or out.
  2. No concept of optical zoom etc. 
  3. Once the picture is bad cannot adjust or rectify the photos before printing it.
  4. There is no back up system for films, once the films are lost there is no way of getting them back.
  5. It takes time for printing and developing the films.
Pluses of Digital Photos
  1. Has many features like optical zoom, and micro pixels that can make the picture clearer.
  2. Colour and light can be adjusted.
  3. Is quicker and time saving to print photos.
  4. Is cheaper to develop photos.
  5. It can be saved in different media,like the usb stick, cd, and archives.
  6. Can be shared with family and friends globally from the comforts of your own home.
Minuses of Digital Photos
  1. There is less interraction with people therefore being a bit isolated.
  2. Can be misused and shared with everyone around the globe without consent , therefore ethical issues are breached.
  3. Is not very treasured as it is cheap and people have an access to it more quickly and easily.
  4. There is no need to print out photos as one can view it on the computer or the camera , therefore the tactile issue is lost.
      However, with keeping up with IT and its needs a digital Camera and photos are very reveloutionary and help to connect with the world and family within nano seconds saving time but  cannot replace the nostaligia and  memories of "photographs and memories".
Therefore one cannot replace the other....... rather they have their own importance and their charm and has encapsulated human life throught the ages..........

tutorial two

List some of the ways that digital images are sorted transferred and manipulated using IT.
Digital images and photography are a common use in our times. Digital photos can be captured by not just a digital camera but also, mp3 players, mobile cameras and computers with in built web cameras. There are various software systems that enable the manipulation and enhancement of photos for storage and printing purposes. photos can be stored on line in photos archieves as well. for example photos that are stored in an archieve can be restored  as well. is a site where you can reterieve your stored images.
Photos are also burnt and stored in CD's that can stay without any damage for 100 years if stored in the right temperature and condition.
For instance in the medical world the professionals are quite dependent on images for operations and getting to the core of the problem .Varian Medical Systems shows all kinds of digital images used in the medical world. is a site where one can share ones photos online with others. It is a easy and cheap way of sharing ones photos globally.
Sources of Raw Image Materials in Grokking the GIMP. is another way of storing and sharing your images globally.Sources of Raw Image Materials in Grokking the GIMP.

tutorial one

  • What is informed consent?
Informed Consent, is a viatl part of client, therapist relationship and helps develop a healthy, safe and close professional realtionship. The therapist is bound by legal and professional code of conduct and ethics not to disclose any personal information about the client to any other party without the prior permission written or documented from the client. this consent should not be taken lightly, as it is simply not just asking the client to sign a piece of paper allowing or authorising disclouser of information, but also the sensitivity and the saftey of the client should be taken into consideration.
Retrieved on april 29 2011 from   

In the OT practice while using IT the clinician must have prior permission and authorisition from the client before he discloses any digital material that he may have recorded in his therapeutic session. The use of digital camera or the computer to record the progress of a clinical session cannot be published or shared in public without infromed consent from the client.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

tutorial one

Provide a defination of Social Justice ( APA reference required)
  • Interpret this defination in your own words providing an example of considerations of social justice and information technology in OT practice.
Social Justice in society is based primarily upon the equality and the solidarity of human rights and the undersatnding  the dignity of human rights in all starta of society.
The equality of opportunity for all concerned that covers a wide range of people in society of all ethnicity, caste, religion and economic dimension.
According to Sociology Guide.Com(2011).
"His first statement of principle was made in A Theory of Justice (1971) where he proposed that, "Each person possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override. "

Social Justice requires equal justice and rights to technology for all. Therefore for an OT practicing as a clinician, he should be able to provide equal amount of innovative technology for his clients if that is going to enhance his qulaity of life and sustain his life better. If IT is going to make his life comfortable, then he should be able to justify his funding applications and provide his client iwth the necessary tool. Sometimes, cost and funding is a deterrant for providing clients with the necessary technology. However it is the OT's challenge to prove that it is beneficial for his client.

tutorial one

Provide a defination of Intellectual Property (APA reference required)
  • Interpret this defination in your own words providing an example of considerations of intellectual property and information technology in OT practice.
The term intellectual propert refers to the various  exclusive rights that an individaul is allowed to have over his or her creations in whatever fields he has his creation is in.  Under the protection of the Intellectual Property Law, the owner is protected and has a legal copy right over his creations, in various fields, like, music, art, litery works, poems and books and stories he has written, etc.
Basically IP refers to any kind of creations by the human mind and the knowledge that is imparted that is intangible, which is protected by a set of rights and laws and they have a patent and a copy right over it. 

tutorial one

  • What ethical implications arise from the capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices ( e.g. mobile phones) or systems (e.g. internet)
Mobile phones and internet are a media that have become both a useful tool to support and sustain life and on the other hand quite intrusive and invasive in our personal lives.
For instance there are great examples of mobile phones being abe to capture images of bullying amonst kids at school and therefore recording some socila evils that exist, and the guilty party can be brought to justice.
The flip side is that mobile phones can also captur images of people being in the wrong place at the wrong time.....etc. !! wives can track errant and cheating husbands with their mobile phones, which can be very intrusive, i suppose!!
The computer is another media which is widely misused to create virtual reality that is not true and people start living double lives.
The need to take consent and permission is totally ignored and people take advantage of this and use it for their benifit or their sick obsession.
Due to this sick obsession and callous atttitude much social evil has arisen, there have been instances where this has caused such anguish that people have lost their lives due to the mental stress and torture they have felt.
Marriges have broken up due to the negative use of the informattion being shared around via the internet.
There is no respect shown to one anothers private and personal life. The sensitivity and the gentleness of human contact and socialising has been lost.

tutorial one

  • In your own words briefly critique why(or wht not) a great understanding and use of IT will help us in our daily practice and daily lives.
The good undersatnding of IT is essential to support the needs of our clients in their daily lives. As OT professionals we have to be quite up-to-date with the latest in methods and adaptive gadgets to be able to deliver the best service to our clients, therefore having a good understanding of IT will help in this process.
We can confidently use IT to be able to bring technology to our clients in their homes. Learning to use IT will also enhance our own knowledge, empowering us with the latest in this century.
Although IT can also have its negatives as the use of IT if exploited can turn into a menace and a social evil.
People can easily get addicted to IT and the various avenues of interests in the virtual world. People could live double lives. People get addicted to games and other areas of interest and lose all interest in the real world, therefore neglecting all social contact and becoming anti social. There is a lot of ethical issues to consider while surfing the net, and there things like hacking into personal data and computer theiving that are crimes. People often gamble using false identity and impersonate other people which is a crime. Therefore a good understanding of IT will not only keep us safe but also protect the needs  and rights of our clients.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

tutorial one

  • What are some of the ways you can envisage IT use becoming a potential tool of practice. You should provide your own comments here as well as linking to examples of OT using IT in practice. This can be done by hyper linking to blogs, internet sites, You Tube videos, podcasts etc.
The useage of IT is a common phenomenon in today's world . In fact it would be quite fair to say that Today's world depends very much on the useage of IT in some form or state, even in the remotest part of the world.
Digital camera, mobile phone, computers, television, kitchen appliences, medical life saving equipment, navigational tools both on the marine side as well as the air are all dependent on the useage of IT.
Scientific discoveries both reveloutionary as well as new inventions are all dependent on IT and the new technologies.
Everyday there are some very useful, life saving and innovative discoveries being made to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities. The adaptation of equipment, wheel chairs, gadgets to suit each individual and their needs is very commendable.
OT's need to stay abrest with the latest technology in order to deliver the best service to their clients and IT is a  sure way to do this.
OT's can use a computer to deliver a visual image or a teaching session on any topic that the client has a need for . The computer will support their teaching and enhance the clinent's learning
OT use IT to blog and therefore stay connected with other professionals and get an idea as well as follow other professionals and their practice.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Tutorial One

What isues exist around OTs adoption of IT system and tool?
Firstly the focus has to be the client. As we would like it to be a client based practice, therefore it has to suit the needs of the client. we have to take into consideration te sensitive issues of privacy, disclouser and consent from the client to be able to support him.
Ethical consideration about publishing material is also part of the issue of adoption of an IT tool.
 The therapist has to use his clinical reasoning and judgeent to assess the possible risks associated with each technology.
Technology and the internet gaming can be a viscious outlet to addiction, obsession and agression. Therefore OTs have to monitor closely, the use of IT system as a tool . These circumstances demand that technology should be used in moderation.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Our Film-Tutorial Four

This is a short clip on how we made a movie of the frustrations of overcoming adversity with technology. We got together as a group of three and enacted our part. It is quite evident in the movie what we are frustrated about......but when we are being filmed one tends to get quite self-conscious about the whole situation..... i can't imagine how the real actors and actresses can act out a whole movie....!!! Quite a hard job, i wouldn't like to be in their shoes!  It takes a certain kind of personality, i suppose....that' s why this world is an interesting place, we are not all the same!
WE filmed a part of the room where we were using as our film production set. We set out the computer as if they were not switching on and enacted out the frustrations. Then the other group member comes along and gently switches it on without any sweat.
We used the film making software from the mac to give it the real movie effect. We decided not to add any music as the music choice was very limited...nothing caught our fancy.
It was very exciting when we finished it all and completed it. We got quite hooked into using the various tools that were available and trying out the different modes of movie making.
It certainly gave us a great sense of achievement!!
Enjoy our little movie!   


Thursday, 7 April 2011

IT Device

  • What IT devices or systems do you feel comfortable and competent using?
  • To begin with i was very wary and unsure using the laptop and signing into various sights like the face book and twitter and chat.... i found it extremely uncomfortable, as i was not sure who would be following my conversations and my photos. I am still reluctant to upload too much information or photos as i am not 100% convinced that it is very private, and only to friends......... The friends list grows and before too long you know that it is public property.
  • But i have made myself a bit available and virtual world social , as i connect with friends and family on face book. It can be quite empowering and a cheap way of meeting and keeping up with friends and family oversea.....
  • I am quite trigger happy and i carry my digital camera everywhere around..... as i love photography and do hope someday in the near future, when time is not so dear, that i take up photography as a hobby. I am quite confident and conversant in using the digital camera and also the old one as well. It is quite a useful and handy invention-"The Digital Camera" no more worrying about bad shots and wasting film rolls. The delete button comes in very handy and you can have lots more photos in the memory card than yoy could in a camera film roll. The cost of printing is alos very reasonable and the options are varied. You can turn them into whatever desired size you want and also put them into calenders or cards and send as a greeting card...... The level of creativity with the digital photos is limitless.
  •  Although, i must say that uploading photos to share can sometimes give me the nightmares, especially when you read about piracy, virus and other computer crimes!!
  • I would love to learn more about graphics and designing photography and manipulating them into works of art. As it is digital creativity, and i love creativity of all kinds. That is one of my near future goals.  

Tutorial one

  • Consider the defination of IT you have provided. how is this form of technology prevalent in our society? how common place has it become?

  • IT is commonplace in our everyday life.From morning to noon we are surrounded by various degrees of IT. It starts in our homes, like the TV and media. The computer and mobile phones, and also assistive technology that has modified our homes suit our needs needs and demands.
  • In the hospitals and the medical world, IT is an integral part of human survival, against disease and rehabilitation.
  • In our communities, Computer Technology is widely used to build, construct and make our world a far more advanced race on earth. Navigation and GPS systems have made the world very accessible and it helps us to locate places easily.
  • TV and radio are also common forms of IT communications and is a must have in every home these days.
  • mobile phones and i phones and i pads are a commodity that a;most every one carries in their bags.

Tutorial One

Tutorial one
Definition of Information technology
Information technology has been defined by the Information Technology Association of America, or the ITAA as being the study, design, development, implementation support and/or management of any computer based information systems. This relates particularly to software applications and computer hardware. Information technology deals with using electronic computers and software to convert, store, protect, process, retrieve with security or transmit any information.Everything from data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, software design, database design and management and administration of systems is included in the term of information technology. When covering the aspects of IT as a whole, the use of computers and information are typically associated.

Article Source:
Information technology or communications technology in my understanding is any information device, like the radio, computer, telecommunications- phone, telivision or anyother kind of communication device that is avaliable for use to communicate to one another. ANy computer applications in the form of software to enable communications is also information technology.
IT as it is known has become a necessary part of our daily communication, and we are recepients of this media and communications in every sphere of our lives. There is IT in health services, libraries, homes, communities, education, distance learning, vedio conferencin, building and architecture, gps(global positioning system), internet, and servers to name a few.IT is used extensively in the navigation system, both at space as well as the marine biology. In the health sector IT is used for developing cures, and aiding in the discovery of cloning and other dna modifications.It is extensively used to find ways in prolonging life and fighting diseases.Unfortunately human beings have a way to self destroy themselves, and this is evident in our combat history, where we have developed sofisticated atom bombs and anti aircraft missels, which has cost us much tragedy and tears...!!! 
Therefore just as IT has a way of empowering human race, it has a dark side to it when it is used for death and destruction!!